Sunday, April 22, 2007

5 to 10

I was sitting reading the MSN news page when an article caught my eye. The Name of the article was "Prison releases felon after getting phony fax." I had the read that, right? So I read it. And I couldn't believe how stupid these people were. So stupid, you have to read it for yourself.

HICKMAN, Ky. - Officials released a prisoner from a state facility after receiving a phony fax that ordered the man be freed, and didn’t catch the mistake for nearly two weeks.

Timothy Rouse, 19, is charged with beating an elderly western Kentucky man and was at the Kentucky Correctional & Psychiatric Center in La Grange for a mental evaluation. He was released from that facility on April 6 after officials received the fake court order.

It contained grammatical errors, was not typed on letterhead and was faxed from a local grocery store. The fax falsely claimed that the Kentucky Supreme Court “demanded” Rouse be released.

Lexington police arrested Rouse at his mother’s home Thursday evening.

“It’s outrageous that it happened,” Fulton County Attorney Rick Major said. “I’m just glad nobody got hurt because he’s dangerous.”

Police are still investigating who faxed it.

Attorney Carlos Moran, who is representing Rouse, declined to comment.

Prison officials did not notice that the fax came from the grocery store because policies in place did not require checking the source of a faxed order, said the LaGrange facility’s director, Greg Taylor.

“It’s not part of a routine check, but certainly, in hindsight, that would perhaps have caused somebody to ask a question,” he said. He added that misspellings on orders are common.

Holy Crap. Where do I Start?

1. They released him and didn't know anything was wrong for 2 weeks after they did it.
2. Contained Grammatical Errors.
3. It was not on any sort of letterhead.
4. It was faxed from a local Grocery store.

It had grammatical errors. "Hey Earl this fax is kinda funny looking. It has all sorts of funny looking words that just don't make sense." "Don't worry Roy, we're in Kentucky, it's supposed to look like that.

Maybe it's just me but it seems like the Paper the fax came on would have been official letterhead not to mention have a watermark of the state seal or something like that.

It said prison officials did not notice that the fax came from the grocery store because policies in place did not require checking the source of a faxed order. First of all, why isn't there a policy like that? Second, why do we need one? Shouldn't any intelligent person automatically look to see where it came from. "Alright Earl it looks like we got a fax here that says to execute prisoner #254." "Who it from Roy?" "Well Earl, it's from the local grocery store but the governor is probably just doing a bit of shopping on the may home." "Good thing we don't have some policy that says we have to look where the fax came from or we would never get this execution overwith with before our shift ends."

Well it seems to me that the Kentucky Prison system is full of retards. Maybe we should take the kids, or whoever was responsible for sending the fax and pulling this prank off, and give them a job in the Kentucky prison system. They are obviously smarter than the people currently in the position. At least it would be a step up.

"I sentence you to serve 5 to 10 years in the Kentucky State Pen. Or until someone pulls a fast one on the guards.

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