Monday, March 26, 2007

Boys Bike vs Girls Bike

Ding! Ding! Ding! Hello and welcome to tonight's death match. My Name is Easy Rider, now lets meet our competitors. In this corner, weighing 25 pounds and sporting the blue rolled steel frame and four reflectors, we have Velocity. In this Corner, weighing 20 pounds and sporting the pink and white rolled steel frame and the pink sidewall tires, we have Raleigh. They are both fierce competitors who deserve to be here tonight but only one will leave victorious. Lets go to Jim who is down on the floor interviewing the crowd to see who tonight's favorite is. Are you there Jim? Yes Easy I'm here . The crowd seems to be torn on this one . The girls favor Raleigh while the boys seem to favor Velocity. Why do you think that is Jim? Well Easy, I would have to say because one is a girls bike and one is a boys bike. Oh yes, very insightful Jim. Thank you Easy. Easy, we do have one person here in the crowd who is a boy but is favoring Raleigh. Lets see what he has to say. State your name and tell us why you favor The Girls Bike. My name is Derek. I like the girls bike because I just don't like the straight bar on the boys bike. No one likes sliding off the seat and smashing your package on the bar. Oops, am I allowed to say package on TV? Well anyway, with a boys bike if you slide off the seat you hit the bar and that is bad for the ball bearings if you know what I mean. But with a girls bike you can slide off the seat and because the bar is angled you are good to go. Well Derek I can see where you are coming from. Derek if you had to predict a winner tonight who would it be? I would have to go with the girls bike Jim. Well back to Easy who will be covering tonights match. Thank you Jim. Alright. Velocity. Raleigh. When you hear the bell come out fighting. Ding. Well Raleigh and Velocity are circling neither but one has made a move yet. Oh, Raleigh just rammed Velocity and broke one of his reflectors. It looks like Velocity wont take this lying down, he just rammed Raleigh and bent one of her spokes. Raleigh is circling faster and faster and picking up speed. Wham!! Oh my gosh Velocity is down for the count. Raleigh just rammed him right in the sprocket. That one is going to hurt in the morning. Lets talk to our winner. Raleigh that was quite a finish but weren't you afraid that Velocity might have reciprocated and rammed you in the sprocket? I wasn't to worried because my angled bar doesn't offer a lot of access to my sprocket. Not to mention I have a chain protector. Well folks there you have it. Raleigh the girl bike is victorious. And now we know the girl bike is better. Derek called it. And Like Derek I would rather ride a girls bike than rattle my ball bearings. This is Easy Rider signing off. Goodnight everyone.